Kevin Kwan in Manila!

Earlier this week, my aunt and I went to UP Town Center for Kevin Kwan’s book signing!

(That’s my aunt there in the background.)

We read Kevin Kwan’s books about a year ago and became instant fans! I found his book, Crazy Rich Asians, relatable and entertaining (I am Asian, after all) and laughed harder than I should’ve when I first read “aiyah” in the book.

We arrived around 12 PM for registration. Since it was still early (Q&A and signing would begin at 2 PM), my aunt and I went around the mall and had lunch.

At around 1:30 PM, my aunt and I went back and found some seats. Soon, it was time for the Q&A portion and Kevin Kwan entertained us not only with our questions, but with a reading from his latest book Rich People Problems as well.

Soon, it was time for the book signing!

I only had Crazy Rich Asians and China Rich Girlfriend signed because Rich People Problems isn’t available in smaller print yet.

Mission accomplished!

Kevin was so nice and it really shows how much he cares for his fans (and for the Philippines)! I can’t wait for the Crazy Rich Asians movie and more of his future projects. Hopefully, the next time he comes back, I could get a signed copy of Rich People Problems! 🙂

One response to “Kevin Kwan in Manila!”

  1. […] to come out. I’ve read this book (ebook) twice, and am in love with the whole series (I even met Kevin Kwan during his book signing last year!) I’m so happy to finally have the complete set at […]


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